Taft grumbled that the law so favored the criminal that trials seemed like a game of chance 塔夫脱抱怨法律如此偏袒罪犯,审判看来像是一场碰运气的游戏。
Would any of you Gents care to join us in a little game of chance? 你们有哪位绅士愿意参加我们靠运气取胜的小游戏呢?
Each participant played 28 rounds of a computer-driven game of chance, the object of which was to gain points to increase the amount of money earned at the end. 每个受试者可玩28轮,最终目标是赢积分,赚大钱。
Having had their home game against Fulham postponed on Saturday because of heavy snow, there is a chance Liverpool's Boxing Day's match at Blackpool could also fall victim to the elements. 由于大雪的缘故,利物浦主场对富尔汗的比赛被延期了,现在利物浦节礼日对黑池的比赛也极有可能成为又一牺牲品。
Game of skill or chance, with electronic display 技巧游戏机或碰运游戏机,带有电子显示器
But if they take either Game four or five, they will have an87 percent chance of winning the series, but a76 percent chance of losing Game seven. 但是只要能拿下第四场或是第五场的胜利,他们还是有87%的机会夺冠,但是同时丢掉第七场胜利的机会也就高达76%。
A small, usually rectangular board, used as a game of chance, that contains many holes each filled with a folded slip of paper that when punched out indicates a. 抽彩盘一种用作赌具盘的通常呈长方形的小盘子,同分布有许多小孔,每个小孔中放有折叠在一起的纸条,纸条被抽出后表明预先指定的价钱、胜利或失败。
Because sports betting is a game of chance, betting is always risky. 由于体育打赌是机会对策,打赌总是危险的。
In a duel, as in a game of chance, both parties willingly agree to run a risk. 在一场决斗中,和一场风险游戏中一样,双方都甘心情愿冒险。
No gambling or game of chance in any form shall be allowed on the Hall premises. As a biologist, I know what people suffering from genetic disease are the victims of unlucky throws of the genetic dice. 在宿舍范围内不可赌博或作任何带博彩性的活动。作为一个生物学者,我知道患有遗传病的人是命运赌博中的受害者。
Once I went to a county fair and tried my luck with a game of chance. 有一次我去县集市玩机会游戏试手气。
In any game of chance some survive into the late stages through pure luck. 在任何博弈游戏中,都会有些选手完全靠运气闯进后面的阶段。
Cynics believe that finding a good husband these days is a game of chance. 愤世嫉俗者认为,现在要找到一个好丈夫是一件碰运气的事情。
Poker is a game of chance. 扑克是一种投机的游戏。
Hot Rods as far as the eye can see in this game of chance! Pull the lever and let the reels spin! Play the slot machine and gradually reveal pictures of hot classic cars! 这是一款比较考眼力的游戏,游戏中有许多经典老爷车的图片,车迷朋友们不要错过!
Net game is one of the results from the deeply development of the internet and is popular in the world wide. As introduced by the insider, the net game may be the only one chance to gain the profit within IT industry. 网络虚拟游戏是互联网蓬勃发展的一项产物,在当今全球范围内受到普遍的欢迎,根据业内人士介绍,网络游戏可能是IT业内唯一盈利的机会。